Little People Big World

LPBW: Jackson Has the Best Time Cooking with Mimi (Amy)

Jackson really enjoys cooking, and I have a lot of fun cooking with him. He gets excited about stirring or cracking eggs, and he also likes to spoon the food into bowls.
Of course, with a four-year-old, I have to help and guide him quite a bit, but I hope Jackson finds joy in the experience.
One time, while we were cooking, Jackson mentioned learning how to whistle from someone in Arizona.
Although he hasn’t mastered it yet, I had a little whisk ready for him to try, but Jackson wasn’t too interested in using it.

While Jackson was having fun in the kitchen, I couldn’t help but notice some tension between family members. Zach and Tori, Matt and Karen seem to be going through some disagreements.

As children grow up and start their own families, they handle things in their own way, and each person has a different approach to dealing with family challenges.

Still, everything seemed fine as we continued cooking and preparing breakfast together.

I’m not sure what the future holds for Zach and Matt’s relationship, but I hope there will be more special moments between them, maybe through a building project or something that Jackson can be a part of.

Perhaps, the three of them can come together for something meaningful. For now, though, as Jackson is enjoying helping me prepare breakfast with French toast and scrambled eggs, I hope the meal turns out delicious and memorable.

Jackson made me feel so happy when he said that I’m the “best Mimi in the world.” It really touched me. I always try to make sure my grandkids have a fun and memorable time at my house.

We don’t get to spend much time together, so I want to make every moment special and full of joy.

However, this sometimes causes a bit of misunderstanding, especially when the children’s grandmother doesn’t feel too happy hearing Jackson say such things about me.

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Our meal was pretty tasty, but Jackson quickly ate up so he could go play. He’s so energetic, and after finishing his food, he wanted to play all sorts of games.

First, we played a tabletop game, then he wanted to play shuffleboard. Jackson did really well, and I was proud of him.

Then he wanted to go downstairs for more fun, and before the day ended, he even wanted to go up to my room for more exploring.

Kids are truly special. They never sit still for too long. One moment they’re playing with one thing, and a few minutes later, they’ve switched to something else.

But that’s what’s wonderful about children—they’re always full of energy and curious about the world around them. I’m always ready to join Jackson in all his fun activities because I know that creating lasting memories with my grandkids is something priceless.


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