Here’s What Dr. Mark Is Hiding on Days of our Lives
Will Leo figure it out first?

Dr. Mark Green had only made a few Days of our Lives appearances—with everyone pointing out he had the same name as Anthony Edwards’ character on ER—before he got with the Salem program and hinted that he had a Deep Dark Secret. What is it? Here’s our guess.
Me Thinks He Doth Protest Too Much
As soon as Leo (Greg Rikaart) got a gander at Mark’s (Jonah Robinson) abs, he was in love. (He’s a deep guy, our Leo. He certainly learned his lesson about not falling for every pretty face who so much as glances in his direction.) Alas, Mark advised that he wasn’t gay. He even said he was pretty sure about that. So Leo gave up. That IS progress for him.
But then Mark was nice to Leo and gave him a hug during one of Leo’s melodramatic meltdowns at the hospital, and Leo was back in predatory mode. Except that, this time, Mark was definitely giving out mixed signals. When asked if he was gay—again—or maybe bi? Mark hesitated just long enough to make Leo—and us—wonder.
Call Center
Later, we heard Mark making a mysterious phone call. He told the person on the other end that they always knew just what to say to make him feel better and that he’d see them tonight. When Leo asked who that was, Mark hesitated just long enough before blurting out, “My girlfriend,” to make Leo—and us—wonder.
Hiding in Plain Sight
So Mark is obviously hiding something. But we can’t imagine it’s something as banal as his sexuality. This is Salem! Everyone is totes chill. Our guess is that Mark’s big secret is that he is the guardian of his younger brother, Aaron (Louis Tomeo), and sister, Felicity
He’s said a few things about having to be the buzz kill and disciplinarian that makes us believe we’re on the right track. And because he’s got such a huge responsibility, Mark has made the decision to eschew any romantic relationships, since he wouldn’t want to drag anyone else into his instant family. Mark likely is gay, but he lied to Leo not because he’s embarrassed or closeted but because he didn’t want to encourage Leo’s advances. In case they might make Mark tempted to reciprocate.